
How it works

Interact with the Marketplace

Each Hidden Hand partner has their own page within the UI:

navigating to a project’s page, users can pick a proposal to 'Add Incentive' to:

An advanced bribe setup is possible - more information about that in Bribe Types.

At the end of each voting period, when bribe rewards are funneled back to the active users who voted for bribed gauges (proportionally scaled to all the votes given for a specific proposal).

A 4% fee is taken by the protocol, which is split evenly between lockers the rlBTRFLY rewards pool and the Redacted treasury.

For other token holders:

  1. Users lock their relevant governance token in their protocols’ token system and delegate it to Hidden Hand to get bribed for their vote.

  2. External protocol looking for rewards or votes on their token bribes the relevant pool on Hidden Hand.

  3. Hidden Hand will auto-select the vote distribution that yields the highest bribe value

  4. Bribe reward goes back to users who locked their tokens to vote.

  5. 4% fee is taken by the protocol and sent equally to the rlBTRFLY rewards pool and the Redacted treasury.

Last updated