Reward Forwarding

Using Hidden Hand with a contract wallet

As Hidden Hand goes multi-chain, EOA's will be able to claim and deposit bribes on L2's such as Optimism without any changes. Contract wallets such as Gnosis Safes will be impacted. Since some DAO's and users prefer to use them, they will have to forward their rewards to a different account.


If the address on L1 and L2 are different, and voting is done on L1, an attacker can create a contract wallet with the same address on L2 and steal users' incentives.


Users can call the setRewardForwarding(address to) method on the bribe contract of interest to forward their incentives to an EOA. This can be done through the contract directly or through our UI. This will allow users to vote with their contract wallets and claim on an EOA on each chain that incentives are placed.


Go to the bribe contract of the protocol you hold governance tokens for on the chain those assets are held. Input the EOA that is eligible for the claiming of the rewards.

Through the UI:

Users with a contract address can navigate to, click the Settings button, then set an address.

Please input an address that you control as all of your rewards will be claimable by that address.

Please ensure the address you are forwarding to is an EOA if you want to claim rewards on multiple chains from a contract wallet.

Revoke Forwarding Address:

To revoke forwarding, go through the same process about and input your own address or the zero address.

Last updated